Moving code from requiring Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_UVM to using SharedSpace#

With Kokkos 4.0 Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_UVM is deprecated and can only be used with Kokkos_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_CODE_4. The main reason for the deprecation was, that using the option changed the memory_space of the Cuda ExecutionSpace. This lead to several problems. For example: The driver is allowed to move chunks of this memory to the device or host depending on the access at any time without notice. The accesses in parallel_for, parallel_reduce, or parallel_scan do not occur in any guaranteed order and furthermore depend on other kernels running on the same GPU. This makes debugging tedious. Especially, if the memory an allocation resides in is not apparent but dependent on the options when running cmake.

The alternative#

We introduced a new alias named SharedSpace in Kokkos 4.0. This always points to memory that is accessible by every ExecutionSpace and is migrated without user interaction to the accessing ExecutionSpace on demand. After migration the memory is accessed locally. Using the alias e.g. in Views is expressive and thus easier to read. Furthermore, it is portable to every backend that can automatically migrate memory between ExecutionSpaces. Furthermore, we introduced the alias SharedHostPinnedSpace which points to memory that is accessible by all enabled ExecutionSpaces but always resides in the memory of the host.

The transition#

Basically it comes down to spelling Kokkos::SharedSpace as a template argument in all allocations. Below is an example of a transition:

  • Code requiring Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_UVM at configure time (until 4.0)

#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>

int main (){
    unsigned int N = 100;
    Kokkos::View<int*> myView("myView",N);
    void* c_style_memory = Kokkos::kokkos_malloc("c_style_alloc",N*sizeof(double));


  return 0;
  • Code using SharedSpace (since 4.0)

#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>

int main (){
    static_assert(Kokkos::has_shared_space(),"code only works on backends with SharedSpace");

    unsigned int N = 100;
    Kokkos::View<int*,Kokkos::SharedSpace> myView("myView",N);
    void* c_style_memory = Kokkos::kokkos_malloc<Kokkos::SharedSpace>("c_style_alloc",N*sizeof(double));


  return 0;