
Header File: Kokkos_StdAlgorithms.hpp

namespace Kokkos{
namespace Experimental{

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class InputIteratorType, class OutputIteratorType,
  class UnaryPredicateType, class T
OutputIteratorType replace_copy_if(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,              (1)
                                   InputIteratorType first_from,
                                   InputIteratorType last_from,
                                   OutputIteratorType first_to,
                                   UnaryPredicateType pred, const T& new_value);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class InputIteratorType,  class OutputIteratorType,
  class UnaryPredicateType, class T
OutputIteratorType replace_copy_if(const std::string& label,                    (2)
                                   const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                                   InputIteratorType first_from,
                                   InputIteratorType last_from,
                                   OutputIteratorType first_to,
                                   UnaryPredicateType pred, const T& new_value);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2,
  class UnaryPredicateType, class T
auto replace_copy_if(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                            (3)
                     const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& view_from,
                     const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& view_to,
                     UnaryPredicateType pred, const T& new_value);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2,
  class UnaryPredicateType, class T
auto replace_copy_if(const std::string& label,                                  (4)
                     const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                     const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& view_from,
                     const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& view_to,
                     UnaryPredicateType pred, const T& new_value);

} //end namespace Experimental
} //end namespace Kokkos


Copies the elements from range [first_from, last_from) to another range beginning at first_to (overloads 1,2) or from view_from to view_to (overloads 3,4) replacing with new_value all elements for which pred returns true.

Parameters and Requirements#

  • exespace, first_from, last_from, first_to, view_from, view_to, new_value:

  • label:

    • for 1, the default string is: “Kokkos::replace_copy_if_iterator_api_default”

    • for 3, the default string is: “Kokkos::replace_copy_if_view_api_default”

  • pred:

    • unary predicate which returns true for the required element; pred(v) must be valid to be called from the execution space passed, and convertible to bool for every argument v of type (possible const) value_type, where value_type is the value type of InputIteratorType (for 1,2) or of view_from (for 3,4), and must not modify v.

    • should have the same API as that shown for replace_if


Iterator to the element after the last element copied.