
Header: <Kokkos_StdAlgorithms.hpp>


Searches a given range or rank-1 View for two consecutive equal elements.



This is currently inside the Kokkos::Experimental namespace.

Overload set accepting execution space#

template <class ExecutionSpace, class IteratorType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                              (1)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class IteratorType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& exespace,    (2)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType, class... Properties>
auto adjacent_find(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                                      (3)
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType, class... Properties>
auto adjacent_find(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& exespace,            (4)
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class IteratorType, class BinaryPredicateType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                              (5)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
                           BinaryPredicateType pred);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class IteratorType, class BinaryPredicateType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& exespace,    (6)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
                           BinaryPredicateType pred);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType, class... Properties,
          class BinaryPredicateType>
auto adjacent_find(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view,                 (7)
                   BinaryPredicateType pred);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType, class... Properties,
          class BinaryPredicateType>
auto adjacent_find(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& exespace,            (8)
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view,
                   BinaryPredicateType pred);

Overload set accepting a team handle#

New in version 4.2.

template <class TeamHandleType, class IteratorType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle,                            (9)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last);

template <class TeamHandleType, class DataType, class... Properties>
auto adjacent_find(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle,                                   (10)
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view);

template <class TeamHandleType, class IteratorType, class BinaryPredicateType>
IteratorType adjacent_find(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle,                           (11)
                           IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
                           BinaryPredicateType pred);

template <class TeamHandleType, class DataType, class... Properties,
          class BinaryPredicateType>
auto adjacent_find(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle,
                   const ::Kokkos::View<DataType, Properties...>& view,                (12)
                   BinaryPredicateType pred);

Parameters and Requirements#

  • exespace: execution space instance

  • teamHandle: team handle instance given inside a parallel region when using a TeamPolicy

  • label: string forwarded to internal parallel kernels for debugging purposes

    • 1,5: The default string is “Kokkos::adjacent_find_iterator_api_default”.

    • 3,7: The default string is “Kokkos::adjacent_find_view_api_default”.

    • NOTE: overloads accepting a team handle do not use a label internally

  • first, last: range of elements to search in

    • must be random access iterators, e.g., returned from Kokkos::Experimental::(c)begin/(c)end

    • must represent a valid range, i.e., last >= first

    • must be accessible from exespace or from the execution space associated with the team handle

  • view:

    • must be rank-1, and have LayoutLeft, LayoutRight, or LayoutStride

    • must be accessible from exespace or from the execution space associated with the team handle

  • pred: binary functor returning true if two arguments should be considered “equal”.

    pred(a,b) must be valid to be called from the execution space passed, or the execution space associated with the team handle, and convertible to bool for every pair of arguments a,b of type value_type, where value_type is the value type of IteratorType or view and must not modify a,b.

    • must conform to:

    struct Comparator{
      bool operator()(const value_type & a, const value_type & b) const {
        return /* true if a should be considered equal to b */;

Return Value#

  • 1,2,9: returns the first iterator it such that *it == *(it+1) is true

  • 5,6,11: returns the first iterator it such that pred(*it, *it+1) returns true

  • 3,4,10: returns the first Kokkos iterator it such that view(it) == view(it+1) is true

  • 7,8,12: returns the first Kokkos iterator it, such that pred(view(it), view(it+1)) returns true

If no such element is found, it returns last for all overloads accepting iterators, and Kokkos::Experimental::end(view) for all overloads acceptings a view.