
Header File: <Kokkos_Core.hpp>


ThreadVectorMDRange is a nested execution policy used inside of hierarchical parallelism.


template<class Rank, typename TeamHandle>
class ThreadVectorMDRange#


ThreadVectorMDRange(team, extent_1, extent_2, ...);#

Splits the index range 0 to extent over the vector lanes of the calling thread, where extent is the backend-dependent rank that will be vectorized

  • team – TeamHandle to the calling team execution context

  • extent_1, extent_2, ... – index range lengths of each rank

  • Requirements

    • TeamHandle is a type that models TeamHandle

    • extent_1, extent_2, ... are ints

    • extent_i is such that i >= 2 && i <= 8 is true. For example:

      ThreadVectorMDRange(team, 4);               // NOT OK, violates i>=2
      ThreadVectorMDRange(team, 4,5);             // OK
      ThreadVectorMDRange(team, 4,5,6);           // OK
      ThreadVectorMDRange(team, 4,5,6,2,3,4,5,6); // OK, max num of extents allowed
    • The constructor can not be called inside a parallel operation dispatched using a TeamVectorRange policy, TeamVectorRange policy, TeamVectorMDRange policy or ThreadVectorMDRange policy.


using TeamHandle = TeamPolicy<>::member_type;

parallel_for(TeamPolicy<>(N, Kokkos::AUTO),
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(TeamHandle const& team) {
    int leagueRank = team.league_rank();

    auto teamThreadRange = TeamThreadRange(team, n0);
    auto threadVectorMDRange =
        ThreadVectorMDRange<Rank<3>, TeamHandle>(
            team, n1, n2, n3);

    parallel_for(teamThreadRange, [=](int i0) {
      parallel_for(threadVectorMDRange, [=](int i1, int i2, int i3) {
        A(leagueRank, i0, i1, i2, i3) += B(leagueRank, i1) + C(i1, i2, i3);

    int teamSum = 0;
    parallel_for(teamThreadRange, [=, &teamSum](int const& i0) {
      int threadSum = 0;
        [=](int i1, int i2, int i3, int& vectorSum) {
          vectorSum += D(leagueRank, i0, i1, i2, i3);
        }, threadSum

      teamSum += threadSum;