
Header File: <Kokkos_Core.hpp>

TeamHandleConcept defines the concept for the member_type of TeamPolicy and TeamTask. The actual type is defined through the policies, but meets the following API. Note that the specific classes are only part of the public API as provided by TeamPolicy and TeamTask and only their parts as defined by the TeamHandleConcept. The actual name of the class, as well as potential template parameters, existing constructors, member functions going beyond the concept, etc., are NOT part of the public Kokkos API and are thus subject to change.


class TeamHandleConcept#

Public nested aliases


Specifies the execution space associated to the team


The scratch memory space associated to this team’s execution space


TeamHandleConcept() = default#

Default constructor.

TeamHandleConcept(TeamHandleConcept&&) = default#

Move constructor.

TeamHandleConcept(TeamHandleConcept const&) = default#

Copy constructor.

~TeamHandleConcept() = default#



TeamHandleConcept &operator=(TeamHandleConcept&&) = default#

Move assignment.

TeamHandleConcept &operator=(TeamHandleConcept const&) = default#

Assignment operators. Returns: *this.

Index Queries

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int team_rank() const noexcept;#

Returns: the index i of the calling thread within the team with 0 <= i < team_size()

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int team_size() const noexcept;#

Returns: the number of threads associated with the team.

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int league_rank() const noexcept;#

Returns: the index i of the calling team within the league with 0 <= i < league_size()

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int league_size() const noexcept;#

Returns: the number of teams/workitems launched in the kernel.

Scratch Space Control

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION const scratch_memory_space &team_shmem() const;#

Equivalent to calling team_scratch(0).

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION const scratch_memory_space &team_scratch(int level) const;#

This function returns a scratch memory handle shared by all threads in a team, which allows access to scratch memory. This handle can be given as the first argument to a Kokkos::View to make it use scratch memory.

  • level: The level of requested scratch memory is either 0 or 1.

  • Returns: a scratch memory handle to the team shared scratch memory specified by level.

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION const scratch_memory_space &thread_scratch(int level) const;#

This function returns a scratch memory handle specific to the calling thread, which allows access to its private scratch memory. This handle can be given as the first argument to a Kokkos::View to make it use scratch memory.

  • level: The level of requested scratch memory is either 0 or 1.

  • Returns: a scratch memory handle to the thread scratch memory specified by level.

Team Collective Operations

The following functions must be called collectively by all members of a team. These calls must be lexically the same call, i.e. it is not legal to have some members of a team call a collective in one branch and the others in another branch of the code (see example).

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void team_barrier() const noexcept;#

All members of the team wait at the barrier, until the whole team arrived. This also issues a memory fence.

template<typename T>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void team_broadcast(T &value, const int source_team_rank) const noexcept;#

After this call var contains for every member of the team the value of var from the thread for which team_rank() == source_team_rank.

  • var: a variable of type T which gets overwritten by the value of var from the source rank.

  • source_team_rank: identifies the broadcasting member of the team.

template<class Closure, typename T>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void team_broadcast(Closure const &f, T &value, const int source_team_rank) const noexcept;#

After this call var contains for every member of the team the value of var from the thread for which team_rank() == source_team_rank after applying f.

  • f: a function object with an void operator() ( T & ) which is applied to var before broadcasting it.

  • var: a variable of type T which gets overwritten by the value of f(var) from the source rank.

  • source_team_rank: identifies the broadcasting member of the team.

template<typename ReducerType>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void team_reduce(ReducerType const &reducer) const noexcept;#

Performs a reduction across all members of the team as specified by reducer. ReducerType must meet the concept of Kokkos::Reducer.

template<typename T>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION T team_scan(T const &value, T *const global = 0) const noexcept;#

Performs an exclusive scan over the var provided by the team members. Let t = team_rank() and VALUES[t] the value of var from thread t.

  • Returns: VALUES[0] + VALUES[1] + ... + VALUES[t-1] or zero for t==0.

  • global if provided will be set to VALUES[0] + VALUES[1] + ... + VALUES[team_size()-1], must be the same pointer for every team member.


typedef TeamPolicy<...> policy_type;
            KOKKOS_LAMBDA (const typename policy_type::member_type& team_handle) {
    int ts = team_handle.team_size(); // returns TEAM_SIZE
    int tid = team_handle.team_rank(); // returns a number between 0 and TEAM_SIZE
    int ls = team_handle.league_size(); // returns N
    int lid = team_handle.league_rank(); // returns a number between 0 and N

    int value = tid * 5;
    team_handle.team_broadcast(value, 3);
    // value==15 on every thread
    value += tid;
    team_handle.team_broadcast([&] (int & var) { var*=2 }, value, 2);
    // value==34 on every thread
    int global;
    int scan = team_handle.team_scan(tid+1, &global);
    // scan == tid*(tid+1)/2 on every thread
    // global == ts*(ts-1)/2 on every thread
    Kokkos::View<int*, policy_type::execution_space::scratch_memory_type>
    a(team_handle.team_scratch(0), 1024);
