
Header File: Kokkos_Pair.hpp

An implementation of std::pair that is intended to be fully compatible, with the exception that Kokkos::pair will work on the device. Also provides utility functions to convert from and to std::pair


std::pair<int, float> std_pair = std::make_pair(1,2.0f); 
Kokkos::pair<int_float> kokkos_pair = Kokkos::make_pair(1,2.0f);
Kokkos::pair<int, float> converted_std_pair(std_pair);
std::pair<int,float> converted_kokkos_pair = kokkos_pair.to_std_pair();


template <class T1, class T2>
struct pair {

    typedef T1 first_type;
    typedef T2 second_type;

    first_type first;
    second_type second;
    KOKKOS_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION constexpr pair() = default;
    KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pair(first_type const& f,
                                               second_type const& s);
    template <class U, class V>
    KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pair(const pair<U, V>& p);

    template <class U, class V>
    KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION pair<T1, T2>& operator=(const pair<U, V>& p);
    template <class U, class V>
    pair(const std::pair<U, V>& p);
    std::pair<T1, T2> to_std_pair() const;

Public Class Members#

  • first: the first element in the pair

  • second: the second element in the pair


  • first_type: the type of the first element in the pair

  • second_type: the type of the second element in the pair


KOKKOS_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION constexpr pair() = default;

Default constructor. Initializes both data members with their defaults

KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pair(first_type const& f,
                                second_type const& s);

Element-wise constructor. Assigns first the value of f, second the value of s

template <class U, class V>
KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pair(const pair<U, V>& p);

Conversion from std::pair. Assigns each element of the pair to its corresponding element in the p

Assignment and conversion#

template <class U, class V>
KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION pair<T1, T2>& operator=(const pair<U, V>& p);

Sets first to p.first and second to p.second


std::pair<T1, T2> to_std_pair() const;

Returns a std::pair whose contents match those of the Kokkos::pair. Useful for interacting with libraries that explicitly only accept std::pair