
Header File: <Kokkos_ScatterView.hpp>


ScatterView is still in the namespace Kokkos::Experimental


A Kokkos ScatterView serves as an interface for a standard Kokkos::View implementing a scatter-add pattern either via atomics or data replication.

Construction of a ScatterView can be expensive, so you should try to reuse the same one if possible, in which case, you should call reset() between uses.

ScatterView can not be addressed directly: each thread inside a parallel region needs to make a call to access() and access the underlying View through the return value of access().

Following the parallel region, a call to the free function Kokkos::Experimental::contribute() should be made to perform the final reduction.


template <typename DataType [, typename Layout [, typename ExecSpace [, typename Operation [, typename Duplication [, typename Contribution]]]]]>
class ScatterView


Template parameters other than DataType are optional, but if one is specified, preceding ones must also be specified. That means for example that Operation can be omitted but if it is specified, Layout and ExecSpace must also be specified.

  • DataType, Layout and ExecSpace need to be the same types as the one from the Kokkos::View this ScatterView is interfacing.

  • Operation: Can take the values:

    • Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterSum: performs a Sum. It is the default value.

    • Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterProd: performs a Multiplication.

    • Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterMin: takes the min.

    • Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterMax: takes the max.

  • Duplication: Whether to duplicate the grid or not; defaults to Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterDuplicated, other option is Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterNonDuplicated.

  • Contribution: Whether to contribute to use atomics; defaults to Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterAtomics, other option is Kokkoss::Experimental::ScatterNonAtomic.

Creating a ScatterView with non default Operation, Duplication or Contribution using this interface can become complicated, because you need to specify the exact type for DataType, Layout and ExecSpace. This is why it is advised that you instead use the function Kokkos::Experimental::create_scatter_view().


template<typename DataType, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename Op, typename Duplication, typename Contribution>
class ScatterView#

Public Member Variables


Type of View passed to ScatterView constructor.


Value type of the original_view_type.


Reference type of the original_view_type.


DuplicatedDataType, a newly created DataType that has a new runtime dimension which becomes the largest-stride dimension, from the given View DataType.


Value type of data_type_info.


A View type created from the internal_data_type.



The default constructor. Default constructs members.

ScatterView(View<RT, RP...> const&)#

Constructor from a Kokkos::View. internal_view member is copy constructed from this input view.

ScatterView(std::string const &name, Dims... dims)#

Constructor from variadic pack of dimension arguments. Constructs internal_view member.

ScatterView(ALLOC_PROP const &arg_prop, Dims... dims)#

Constructor from variadic pack of dimension arguments. Constructs internal_view member. This constructor allows passing an object created by Kokkos::view_alloc as first argument, e.g., for specifying an execution space via Kokkos::view_alloc(exec_space, "label").

Public Methods

constexpr bool is_allocated() const#

true if the internal_view points to a valid memory location. This function works for both managed and unmanaged views. With the unmanaged view, there is no guarantee that referenced address is valid, only that it is a non-null pointer.

access() const#

use within a kernel to return a ScatterAccess member; this member accumulates a given thread’s contribution to the reduction.

subview() const#

a subview of a ScatterView

contribute_into(View<DT, RP...> const &dest) const#

contribute ScatterView array’s results into the input View dest


performs reset on destination array

reset_except(View<DT, RP...> const &view)#


resize(const size_t n0 = 0, const size_t n1 = 0, const size_t n2 = 0, const size_t n3 = 0, const size_t n4 = 0, const size_t n5 = 0, const size_t n6 = 0, const size_t n7 = 0)#

resize a view with copying old data to new data at the corresponding indices

realloc(const size_t n0 = 0, const size_t n1 = 0, const size_t n2 = 0, const size_t n3 = 0, const size_t n4 = 0, const size_t n5 = 0, const size_t n6 = 0, const size_t n7 = 0)#

resize a view with discarding old data

Private Members


typedef original_view_type internal_view_type;


internal_view_type internal_view;

Free Functions

template<typename Operation, typename Duplication, typename Contribution>
create_scatter_view(const View<DT1, VP...> &view)#

create a new ScatterView interfacing the View view. Default value for Operation is Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterSum, Duplication and Contribution are chosen to make the ScatterView as efficient as possible when running on its ExecSpace.

contribute(View<DT1, VP...> &dest, Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterView<DT2, LY, ES, OP, CT, DP> const &src)#

convenience function to perform final reduction of ScatterView results into a resultant View; may be called following parallel_reduce().


#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_ScatterView.hpp>

KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int foo(int i) { return i; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double bar(int i) { return i*i; }

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Kokkos::ScopeGuard guard(argc, argv);

    Kokkos::View<double*> results("results", 1);
    auto scatter = Kokkos::Experimental::create_scatter_view(results);
    Kokkos::parallel_for(1, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int input_i) {
        auto access = scatter.access();
        auto result_i = foo(input_i);
        auto contribution = bar(input_i);
        access(result_i) += contribution;
    Kokkos::Experimental::contribute(results, scatter);