
Header File: Kokkos_SIMD.hpp


Kokkos::Experimental::where_expression references a subset of the values in a vector register. Which values are in the subset is described by a mask. where_expression thus forms the basis for masked operations on vector values.


namespace Experimental {
template <class M, class T>
class const_where_expression;
template <class M, class T>
class where_expression : public const_where_expression;

Template Parameters#

The first template parameter M is the mask type, and should either be an instance of class template Kokkos::Experimental::simd_mask or bool. The second template parameter T is the value type, and should either be an instance of class template Kokkos::Experimental::simd or a fundamental type such as double.

Where Function#

Where expression objects are only constructed by calling the non-member method Kokkos::Experimental::where:

  • template <class T, class Abi> where_expression<simd_mask<T, Abi>, simd<T, Abi>>  where(const simd_mask<T, Abi>&, simd<T, Abi>&): creates a non-const where expression that references the values in the simd argument selected by the simd_mask argument.

  • template <class T, class Abi> const_where_expression<simd_mask<T, Abi>, simd<T, Abi>>  where(const simd_mask<T, Abi>&, const simd<T, Abi>&): creates a const where expression that references the values in the simd argument selected by the simd_mask argument.

Load/Store Methods#

  • template<class U, class Flags> void const_where_expression::copy_to(U* mem, Flags) const: Executes a masked store operation, storing vector value i at mem[i] only if mask value i is true. Flags is the simd_flags type that is used to describe the alignment at the address mem.

  • template<class U, class Flags> void where_expression::copy_from(const U* mem, Flags): Executes a masked load operation, loading vector value i from mem[i] only if mask value i is true. Flags is the simd_flags type that is used to describe the alignment at the address mem.

Simd Flags#

  • Available simd_flags are simd_flag_default and simd_flag_aligned.

  • For backward compatibility, Kokkos::Experimental::element_aligned_tag and Kokkos::Experimental::vector_aligned_tag types are available.

  • Kokkos::Experimental::element_aligned_tag is a type alias for decltype(simd_flag_default) and Kokkos::Experimental::vector_aligned_tag is a type alias for decltype(simd_flag_aligned).

Gather/Scatter Methods#

These methods were added by Kokkos and are not present in the ISO C++ proposal.

  • void const_where_expression::scatter_to(double* mem, simd<std::int32_t, Abi> const& index) const: When the value type T is Kokkos::Experimental::simd<double, Abi>, this function scatters values into mem[index[i]] if the mask value i is true.

  • void where_expression::gather_from(const double* mem, simd<std::int32_t, Abi> const& index): When the value type T is Kokkos::Experimental::simd<double, Abi>, this function gathers values from mem[index[i]] if the mask value i is true.


  • template<class U> void where_expression::operator=(U&& x): Assigns to vector value i the value x[i] only if mask value i is true.


#include <Kokkos_SIMD.hpp>
#include <cstdio>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using simd_type = Kokkos::Experimental::simd<double>;
  // the first value in vector a will be negative after this
  simd_type a([] (std::size_t i) { return 1.0 * i - 1.0; });
  // we can use where expressions to set negative values to 0.0
  where(a < 0.0, a) = 0.0;
  // now it might be safer to call a function with domain limitations
  auto b = Kokkos::sqrt(a);