Header File: <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
Kokkos::RangePolicy<...>(begin, end)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<...>(begin, end, chunk_size)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<...>(exec, begin, end)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<...>(exec, begin, end, chunk_size)
// CTAD Constructors (since 4.3)
Kokkos::RangePolicy(begin, end)
Kokkos::RangePolicy(begin, end, chunk_size)
Kokkos::RangePolicy(exec, begin, end)
Kokkos::RangePolicy(exec, begin, end, chunk_size)
RangePolicy defines an execution policy for a 1D iteration space starting at begin
and going to end
with an open interval.
struct Kokkos::ChunkSize {
explicit ChunkSize(int value_);
template<class ... Args>
struct Kokkos::RangePolicy {
using execution_policy = RangePolicy;
using member_type = PolicyTraits<Args...>::index_type;
// Inherited from PolicyTraits<Args...>
using execution_space = PolicyTraits<Args...>::execution_space;
using schedule_type = PolicyTraits<Args...>::schedule_type;
using work_tag = PolicyTraits<Args...>::work_tag;
using index_type = PolicyTraits<Args...>::index_type;
using iteration_pattern = PolicyTraits<Args...>::iteration_pattern;
using launch_bounds = PolicyTraits<Args...>::launch_bounds;
// Constructors
RangePolicy(const RangePolicy&) = default;
RangePolicy(RangePolicy&&) = default;
RangePolicy( index_type work_begin
, index_type work_end );
RangePolicy( index_type work_begin
, index_type work_end
, ChunkSize chunk_size );
RangePolicy( const execution_space & work_space
, index_type work_begin
, index_type work_end );
RangePolicy( const execution_space & work_space
, index_type work_begin
, index_type work_end
, ChunkSize chunk_size );
// retrieve chunk_size
index_type chunk_size() const;
// set chunk_size to a discrete value
RangePolicy& set_chunk_size(int chunk_size_);
// return ExecSpace instance provided to the constructor
KOKKOS_FUNCTION const execution_space & space() const;
// return Range begin
KOKKOS_FUNCTION member_type begin() const;
// return Range end
KOKKOS_FUNCTION member_type end() const;
General Template Arguments#
Valid template arguments for RangePolicy
are described here
Public Class Members#
explicit ChunkSize(int value_)#
Provide a hint for optimal chunk-size to be used during scheduling. For the SYCL backend, the workgroup size used in a
kernel can be set via this passed toRangePolicy
since Kokkos 4.4
Default Constructor uninitialized policy.
RangePolicy(int64_t begin, int64_t end)#
Provide a start and end index.
RangePolicy(int64_t begin, int64_t end, ChunkSize chunk_size)#
Provide a start and end index as well as a
RangePolicy(const ExecutionSpace &space, int64_t begin, int64_t end)#
Provide a start and end index and an
instance to use as the execution resource.
RangePolicy(const ExecutionSpace &space, int64_t begin, int64_t end, ChunkSize chunk_size)#
Provide a start and end index and an
instance to use as the execution resource, as well as aChunkSize
The start index must not be greater than the end index.
The actual constructors are templated so we can check that they are converted to
safely (see #6754).
CTAD Constructors (since 4.3):#
int64_t work_begin = /* ... */; // conversions as well
int64_t work_end = /* ... */; // conversions as well
ChunkSize cs = /* ... */; // conversions as well
DefaultExecutionSpace des; // conversions as well
SomeExecutionSpace ses; // different from DefaultExecutionSpace
// Deduces to RangePolicy<>
RangePolicy rp0;
RangePolicy rp1(work_begin, work_end);
RangePolicy rp2(work_begin, work_end, cs);
RangePolicy rp3(des, work_begin, work_end);
RangePolicy rp4(des, work_begin, work_end, cs);
// Deduces to RangePolicy<SomeExecutionSpace>
RangePolicy rp5(ses, work_begin, work_end);
RangePolicy rp6(ses, work_begin, work_end, cs);
RangePolicy<> policy_1(0, N);
RangePolicy<Cuda> policy_2(5,N-5);
RangePolicy<Schedule<Dynamic>, OpenMP> policy_3(n,m);
RangePolicy<IndexType<int>, Schedule<Dynamic>> policy_4(0, K);
RangePolicy<> policy_6(-3,N+3, ChunkSize(8));
RangePolicy<OpenMP> policy_7(OpenMP(), 0, N, ChunkSize(4));
Note: providing a single integer as a policy to a parallel pattern, implies a defaulted RangePolicy
// These two calls are identical
parallel_for("Loop", N, functor);
parallel_for("Loop", RangePolicy<>(0, N), functor);