Building From Source#

Getting the Kokkos Source Code#

This section describes how to obtain the Kokkos source code. We recommend downloading a tagged release for most users, as these releases undergo extensive testing and are generally more stable. Development versions are also available for advanced users who need the latest features and are comfortable with potentially less stable code.

Cloning the Git Repository (For Development Versions)#

If you need the latest features or want to contribute to Kokkos, you can clone the Git repository.

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone

    This will clone the repository into a directory named kokkos.

  2. Check Out a Release Tag (Recommended for Development): While the develop branch is generally kept stable, it’s still under active development. For more predictable behavior, check out a specific release tag:

    cd kokkos
    git checkout 4.5.01  # Replace with the desired version tag

    To see available tags:

    git tag

    Or, to stay on the bleeding edge (use with caution):

    git checkout develop

Which Method Should I Use?#

  • Tagged Releases: Use this method unless you have a specific reason to use a development version. Tagged releases are the most stable and well-tested.

  • Git Repository (Development Versions): Use this method if you need the very latest features, want to contribute to Kokkos, or need to debug a specific issue that’s been fixed in the development branch. Be aware that development versions may be less stable than releases.

No matter which method you choose, always verify the integrity of the downloaded source code. This is a crucial security practice.

Configuring and Building Kokkos#

This section describes how to configure and build Kokkos. We assume you are in the root directory of the Kokkos source code (or the project embedding Kokkos).

Configuring Kokkos#

Use the following command to configure Kokkos:

cmake -B builddir [<options...>]

-B builddir creates a builddir directory named build (you can choose a different name if you prefer). Kokkos requires out-of-source builds. The [<options...>] part is where you specify the configuration options.

Common CMake Options

These options are generally useful for any CMake project:

  • -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<compiler>: Specifies the full path to the C++ compiler. For example, use hipcc for AMD GPUs, icpx for Intel GPUs, or g++ or clang++ for CPUs.

    Example: -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/hipcc

  • -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=<standard>: Sets the C++ standard. The default is 17.

    Example: -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<type>: Controls optimization level and debugging information. Common options are Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo (default), and MinSizeRel.

    Example: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix>: Specify the directory on disk to which Kokkos will be installed.

    Example: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir

Important Kokkos-specific options:

  • -DKokkos_ENABLE_<BACKEND>=ON: Enables a specific backend for target devices. See Backend selection for a complete list, including currently open-sourced experimental backends. Common backends:

    • OPENMP or THREADS: Multithreading on CPUs


    • HIP: AMD GPUs

    • SYCL: Intel GPUs

    Example: -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON

    include experimental backends and Backend-specific options.

  • -DKokkos_ARCH_<ARCHITECTURE>=ON: Specifies the target architecture for code generation. Some backends can auto-detect the architecture, but it’s often best to specify it explicitly. See Architectures for a complete list. For instance:

    • AMD_GFX90A: AMD MI210X (Frontier)

    • INTEL_PVC: Intel Data Center Max 1550 (Aurora)

    • AMPERE80: NVIDIA A100 (Perlmutter)

    Example: -DKokkos_ARCH_AMPERE80=ON

  • -DKokkos_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_CODE_4=ON: Enables all code marked as deprecated. Setting this to OFF removes deprecated symbols.

  • -DKokkos_ENABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=ON: Enables deprecation warnings. Strongly recommended to avoid surprises in future releases. Don’t disable this unless you have a very good reason.

Example Configuration

cmake -B builddir \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DKokkos_ARCH_NATIVE=ON \

Building Kokkos#

After configuring, build Kokkos using:

cmake --build builddir

This compiles Kokkos. You can add -j<N> to use multiple cores for faster compilation (replace <N> with the number of cores).

Example: cmake --build builddir -j8

Installing Kokkos#

To install Kokkos (header files and libraries), use:

cmake --install builddir [--prefix <prefix>]

The --prefix <prefix> option specifies the installation directory. If omitted, Kokkos will be installed to a default location, often /usr/local (not recommended).

Advanced: Configuring Against the Build Directory#

(For experts only) You can configure your project directly against the <builddir>/cmake_packages/ directory in the out-of-tree build, similar to using an install tree. This can be useful for development purposes.