Kokkos Kernels is a stand-alone library in the Kokkos Ecosystem, as well as a package within the Trilinos Project.
Building Kokkos Kernels as a stand-alone library requires CMake. Using Kokkos Kernels as a package within Trilinos additionally requires the TriBITS build system.
General Requirements¶
Compatible versions of Kokkos and Kokkos Kernels cloned or downloaded from
Supported compiler and computing hardware - see Kokkos’ README for what is currently tested.
CUDA builds require use of the
script provided by Kokkos, unless using Clang-CUDA.
Basic steps for building stand-alone Kokkos Kernels:¶
Create a build directory
(different from source and install locations).
> mkdir <BUILD_DIR>
cmake -S ${SOURCE_DIR} <...>
is the location of the Kokkos Kernels source.<...>
is a list of CMake options given as-D{OPTION}={VALUE}
Build and install the library, depending on the generator (make is default):
> make install
> ninja install
To use the Ninja build system add -G Ninja
A full listing of CMake options is given below. Another way to get a list of options and documentation is to the use ccmake
ccmake <SOURCE_DIR>
which brings up a user interface listing all the options, their default values, and associated documentation.
Sample CMake¶
Below is a list of example CMake configurations. Kokkos Kernels requires first building Kokkos (or including it as a subproject). To see a full list of options for building Kokkos, see [BUILD](
OpenMP backend, g++ compiler, Intel Skylake architecture:¶
First install Kokkos:
> cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/kokkos-install \
-DKokkos_ARCH_SKX=ON \
> make install
Then build Kokkos Kernels, pointing to Kokkos:
> cmake \
-DKokkos_ROOT=${HOME}/kokkos-install \
> cmake --build <KOKKOS_KERNELS_BUILD_DIRECTORY> --parallel
Cuda and Serial backends, nvcc_wrapper compiler, Power8 and Volta sm_70 architectures, various compilation flags
First install Kokkos:
> cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/kokkos-install \
-DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=ON \
> cmake --build <KOKKOS_BUILD_DIR> --parallel
> cmake --install <KOKKOS_BUILD_DIR>
Then build Kokkos Kernels, pointing to Kokkos:
> cmake \
-DKokkos_ROOT=${HOME}/kokkos-install \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${HOME}/kokkos-install/bin/nvcc_wrapper \
> cmake --build <KOKKOS_KERNELS_BUILD_DIR>
If you wish to enable certain CUDA third-party libraries (TPLs), you can also configure with
> cmake \
-DKokkos_ROOT=${HOME}/kokkos-install \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${HOME}/kokkos-install/bin/nvcc_wrapper \
CMake >= 3.10
Compatible compiler and hardware
#### Trilinos
If building with Trilinos, the same set of CMake options apply. The only difference is you must enable KokkosKernels:
> cmake \
-D Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosKernels:BOOL=ON \
## Running tests:
Note, no tests will be available unless -DKokkosKernels_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
is in your cmake command.
To run the tests, simply execute a CMake build and then run:
> make test
To limit the tests, one can cd
into either unit_test
or perf_test
and also run make test
. To show full detail of all tests, you can run ctest --extra-verbose
You can filter exactly which tests are run based on regular expressions with
> ctest -R <match_string>
Tests are grouped into individual executables. You can run the executable for one of the enabled backends based on your configuration, for example if OpenMP is enabled:
> ./KokkosKernels_UnitTest_OpenMP
To run a specific test in the executable use the --gtest_filter
> ./KokkosKernels_UnitTest_OpenMP --gtest_filter=openmp.dot_double`