Defined in header: KokkosGraph_Distance1Color.hpp
template <class KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_, typename lno_nnz_view_t_>
void graph_color_symbolic(KernelHandle *handle, typename KernelHandle::nnz_lno_t num_rows,
typename KernelHandle::nnz_lno_t /* num_cols */, lno_row_view_t_ row_map,
lno_nnz_view_t_ entries, bool /* is_symmetric */ = true);
Colors the vertices of a graph such that every vertex and its neighbors have distinc colors.
\[\begin{split}\text{Given a graph}\ G=(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E})\\
\forall v\in\mathcal{V}, \forall w\in neigh(v),\ color(v) != color(w)\end{split}\]
- handle:
an instance of
that stores algorithm parameters and the output colors.- num_rows:
the number of vertices in the graph.
- row_map:
the graph row map.
- entries:
the graph column indices.
- num_cols, is_symmetric:
these two parameters are ignored and are only present for backward compatibility purposes.
Type Requirements¶
No type requirements will be asserted.