
Defined in header KokkosSparse_sptrsv.hpp

template <typename ExecutionSpace, typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_,
          typename lno_nnz_view_t_>
void sptrsv_symbolic(const ExecutionSpace &space, KernelHandle *handle,
                     lno_row_view_t_ rowmap, lno_nnz_view_t_ entries);

template <typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_, typename lno_nnz_view_t_>
void sptrsv_symbolic(KernelHandle *handle, lno_row_view_t_ rowmap, lno_nnz_view_t_ entries);

template <typename ExecutionSpace, typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_,
          typename lno_nnz_view_t_, typename scalar_nnz_view_t_>
void sptrsv_symbolic(ExecutionSpace &space, KernelHandle *handle, lno_row_view_t_ rowmap,
                     lno_nnz_view_t_ entries, scalar_nnz_view_t_ values);

template <typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_, typename lno_nnz_view_t_,
          typename scalar_nnz_view_t_>
void sptrsv_symbolic(KernelHandle *handle, lno_row_view_t_ rowmap, lno_nnz_view_t_ entries,
                     scalar_nnz_view_t_ values);

Performs symbolic analysis required to solve a triangular linear system of equations


where \(A\) is the input triangular matrix, \(b\) is the input right-hand-side vector, and \(x\) is the output solution vector.

  1. Perform symbolic operations for the solution of a triangular system of linear equations.

  2. Same as 1. but uses the resources of the default execution space instance associated with KernelHandle::HandleExecSpace.

  3. Perform symbolic operations for the solution of a triangular system of linear equations, optionally attempts to use cuSPARSE when available and types are a match.

  4. Same as 3. but uses the resources of the default execution space instance associated with KernelHandle::HandleExecSpace.



execution space instance describing the resources available to run the kernels.


an instance of KokkosKernels::KokkosKernelsHandle from which an sptrsv_handle will be used to extract control parameters.


row map of the input matrix \(A\).


column indices of the input matrix \(A\).


values associated with the entries of the input matrix \(A\).

Type Requirements

  • The types of the input parameters must be consistent with the types defined by the KernelsHandle:

    • std::is_same_v<ExecutionSpace, typename KernelHandle::HandleExecSpace> == true

    • std::is_same_v<typename lno_row_view_t_::non_const_value_type, typename KernelHandle::size_type> == true

    • std::is_same_v<typename lno_nnz_view_t_::non_const_value_type, typename KernelHandle::nnz_lno_t> == true

    • std::is_same_<vtypename scalar_nnz_view_t_::value_type, typename KernelHandle::nnz_scalar_t> == true


#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp>
#include <KokkosSparse_sptrsv.hpp>
#include <KokkosKernels_IOUtils.hpp>
#include <KokkosKernels_SparseUtils.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using namespace KokkosSparse;
  using namespace KokkosSparse::Experimental;
  using namespace KokkosKernels;
  using namespace KokkosKernels::Impl;
  using namespace KokkosKernels::Experimental;

    using scalar_t  = double;
    using lno_t     = int;
    using size_type = int;
    using device = typename Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::device_type;

    using RowMapType  = Kokkos::View< size_type*, device >;
    using EntriesType = Kokkos::View< lno_t*, device >;
    using ValuesType  = Kokkos::View< scalar_t*, device >;

    using KernelHandle = KokkosKernels::Experimental::KokkosKernelsHandle <size_type, lno_t, scalar_t,
          typename device::execution_space, typename device::memory_space, typename device::memory_space>;

    scalar_t ZERO = scalar_t(0);
    scalar_t ONE = scalar_t(1);

    const size_type nrows = 5;
    const size_type nnz   = 10;

    // Upper triangular solve: x = U \ b
      RowMapType  row_map("row_map", nrows+1);
      EntriesType entries("entries", nnz);
      ValuesType  values("values", nnz);

      auto hrow_map = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(row_map);
      auto hentries = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(entries);
      auto hvalues  = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(values);

      // Fill rowmap, entries, of Crs graph for simple example matrix, values set to ones

      //  [ [1 0 1 0 0]
      //    [0 1 0 0 1]
      //    [0 0 1 1 1]
      //    [0 0 0 1 1]
      //    [0 0 0 0 1] ];

      hrow_map(0) = 0;
      hrow_map(1) = 2;
      hrow_map(2) = 4;
      hrow_map(3) = 7;
      hrow_map(4) = 9;
      hrow_map(5) = 10;

      hentries(0) = 0;
      hentries(1) = 2;
      hentries(2) = 1;
      hentries(3) = 4;
      hentries(4) = 2;
      hentries(5) = 3;
      hentries(6) = 4;
      hentries(7) = 3;
      hentries(8) = 4;
      hentries(9) = 4;

      Kokkos::deep_copy(row_map, hrow_map);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(entries, hentries);

      Kokkos::deep_copy(values, ONE);

      // Create the x and b vectors

      // Solution to find
      ValuesType x("x", nrows);

      ValuesType b("b", nrows);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(b, ONE);

      // Create sptrsv kernel handle
      KernelHandle kh;
      bool is_lower_tri = false;
      kh.create_sptrsv_handle(SPTRSVAlgorithm::SEQLVLSCHD_TP1, nrows, is_lower_tri);

      sptrsv_symbolic(&kh, row_map, entries, values);

      sptrsv_solve(&kh, row_map, entries, values, b, x);

    // Lower triangular solve: x = L \ b
      RowMapType  row_map("row_map", nrows+1);
      EntriesType entries("entries", nnz);
      ValuesType  values("values", nnz);

      auto hrow_map = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(row_map);
      auto hentries = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(entries);
      auto hvalues  = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(values);

      // Fill rowmap, entries, of Crs graph for simple example matrix, values set to ones

      //  [ [1 0 0 0 0]
      //    [0 1 0 0 0]
      //    [1 0 1 0 0]
      //    [0 0 1 1 0]
      //    [1 1 1 1 1] ];

      hrow_map(0) = 0;
      hrow_map(1) = 1;
      hrow_map(2) = 2;
      hrow_map(3) = 4;
      hrow_map(4) = 6;
      hrow_map(5) = 10;

      hentries(0) = 0;
      hentries(1) = 1;
      hentries(2) = 0;
      hentries(3) = 2;
      hentries(4) = 2;
      hentries(5) = 3;
      hentries(6) = 1;
      hentries(7) = 2;
      hentries(8) = 3;
      hentries(9) = 4;

      Kokkos::deep_copy(row_map, hrow_map);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(entries, hentries);

      Kokkos::deep_copy(values, ONE);

      // Create the x and b vectors

      // Solution to find
      ValuesType x("x", nrows);

      ValuesType b("b", nrows);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(b, ONE);

      // Create sptrsv kernel handle
      KernelHandle kh;
      bool is_lower_tri = true;
      kh.create_sptrsv_handle(SPTRSVAlgorithm::SEQLVLSCHD_TP1, nrows, is_lower_tri);

      sptrsv_symbolic(&kh, row_map, entries, values);

      sptrsv_solve(&kh, row_map, entries, values, b, x);