
Defined in header: KokkosLapack_gesv.hpp

template <class ExecutionSpace, class AMatrix, class BXMV, class IPIVV>
void gesv(const ExecutionSpace& space, const AMatrix& A, const BXMV& B, const IPIVV& IPIV);

template <class AMatrix, class BXMV, class IPIVV>
void gesv(const AMatrix& A, const BXMV& B, const IPIVV& IPIV);

Solve the dense system of linear equations


where \(A\) is the input coefficient matrix, \(B\) is the input right-hand-side vectors, and \(X\) is the output solution vectors. Note that \(B\) can contain multiple vectors to solve at a time. The solution is overwritten into B.

  1. Overwrites the entries of \(B\) with the solution of the linear system of equations using the resources of space.

  2. Same as 1. but use the resources of KernelHandle::HandleExecSpace{}.

The function will throw a runtime exception if A.extent(0) < A.extent(1) || A.extent(0) != B.extent(0).



execution space instance.

A, B:

The input matrix and right-hand-side vectors of the linear system. On return, B will hold the solution vectors.


Vector of pivots used to reorder the rows of \(A\) while solving the system to improve numerical stability.

Type Requirements

  • ExecutionSpace must be a Kokkos execution space

  • AMatrix must be a Kokkos View of rank 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename AMatrix::memory_space>::accessible

  • BXMV must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 or 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename BXMV::memory_space>::accessible

  • IPIV must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename IPIVV::memory_space>::accessible
