
Defined in header: KokkosBlas1_nrm1.hpp

template <class execution_space, class XVector>
typename Kokkos::Details::InnerProductSpaceTraits<typename XVector::non_const_value_type>::mag_type
nrm1(const execution_space& space, const XVector& x);

template <class XVector>
typename Kokkos::Details::InnerProductSpaceTraits<typename XVector::non_const_value_type>::mag_type
nrm1(const XVector& x)

template <class execution_space, class RV, class XMV>
void nrm1(const execution_space& space, const RV& R, const XMV& X)

template <class RV, class XMV>
void nrm1(const RV& R, const XMV& X);

Computes the norm 1 (sum of absolute values) of the X vector(s) and returns or stores the result in R. Also known as asum.

  1. accumulates the sum of absolute values of X and fences the space instance

  2. accumulates the sum of absolute values of X and fences the default instance of typename XVector::execution_space

  3. accumulates the sum of absolute values of each column of X, stores it in the corresponding entry of R and fences the space instance

  4. accumulates the sum of absolute values of each column of X, stores it in the corresponding entry of R and fences the default instance of typename XVector::execution_space

The result (returned or stored value) is undefined if X has no entries.



execution space instance


vector(s) to compute the norm1


computed norm(s)

Type Requirements

  • execution_space must be a Kokkos execution space

  • XVector must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename XVector::memory_space>::accessible == true

  • XMV must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 or 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename XMV::memory_space>::accessible == true

  • RV must be a Kokkos View that satisfies

    • RV::rank == XMV::rank - 1

    • std::is_same_v<typename RV::value_type, typename RV::non_const_value_type> == true

    • std::is_same_v<typename RV::value_type, typename Kokkos::Details::InnerProductSpaceTraits<typename XMV::non_const_value_type>::mag_type> == true


#include <iostream>
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <KokkosBlas1_nrm1.hpp>

int main(void) {
    Kokkos::View<double*> x("X", 100);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(x, -3.0);

    double x_nrm = KokkosBlas::nrm1(x);

    std::cout << "X_nrm: " << x_nrm << " Expected: " << 100 * 3.0 << std::endl;


X_nrm: 300 Expected: 300