Defined in header KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp
template <class ExecutionSpace, class Handle, class AlphaType, class AMatrix,
class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
void spmv(const ExecutionSpace& space, Handle* handle, const char mode[],
const AlphaType& alpha, const AMatrix& A, const XVector& x,
const BetaType& beta, const YVector& y);
template <class ExecutionSpace, class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector,
class BetaType, class YVector,
typename = std::enable_if_t<Kokkos::is_execution_space_v<ExecutionSpace>>>
void spmv(const ExecutionSpace& space, const char mode[], const AlphaType& alpha,
const AMatrix& A, const XVector& x,
const BetaType& beta, const YVector& y);
template <class Handle, class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector,
class BetaType, class YVector,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!Kokkos::is_execution_space<Handle>::value>>
void spmv(Handle* handle, const char mode[], const AlphaType& alpha,
const AMatrix& A, const XVector& x,
const BetaType& beta, const YVector& y);
template <class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
void spmv(const char mode[], const AlphaType& alpha, const AMatrix& A,
const XVector& x, const BetaType& beta, const YVector& y);
Kokkos sparse matrix-vector multiply. Computes y := alpha*Op(A)*x + beta*y, where Op(A) is controlled by mode (see below).
Scale the
vector bybeta
, and accumulate the result of the sparse matrix-vector product (A*x
), scaled byalpha
, intoy
.Calls 1. using an spmv handle with
algorithm for the handle parameter.Calls 1. using an instance of
for the execution space parameter.Calls 1. using an spmv handle with
algorithm and an instance ofHandle::ExecutionSpaceType
for the handle and execution space parameters respectively.
- space:
execution space instance.
- handle:
an spmv handle that stores multiple parameters for algorithm and third party libraries choices at run time.
- mode:
mode to be applied to
, possible values are “N” (normal), “T” (transpose), “C” (conjugate) and “H” (hermitian or conjugate-transpose).- alpha, beta:
scaling coefficents for the matrix
and left hand sidey
vector respectively.- A:
The matrix used to perform the matrix-vector product.
- x, y:
The right and left hand side vectors used as input and output respectively.
Type Requirements¶
must be either a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix or a KokkosSparse::BsrMatrix and have a memory space compatible with theExecutionSpace
type:Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename AMatrix::memory_space>::accessible == true
ExecutionSpace must be a Kokkos execution space
are two Kokkos Views of same rank, either rank 1 or rank 2 with memory spaces accessible fromExecutionSpace
must store non-const data:Kokkos::is_view_v<XVector> == true && Kokkos::is_view_v<YVector> == true
XVector::rank() == YVector::rank() && (XVector::rank() == 1 || XVector::rank() == 2)
Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename XVector::memory_space>::accessible
Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, typename YVector::memory_space>::accessible
!std::is_const_v<typename YVector::value_type> == true
#include "Kokkos_Core.hpp"
#include "KokkosKernels_default_types.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp"
using Scalar = default_scalar;
using Ordinal = default_lno_t;
using Offset = default_size_type;
using Layout = default_layout;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using device_type = typename Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace,
typename Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space>;
using matrix_type = typename KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<Scalar, Ordinal, device_type, void, Offset>;
using graph_type = typename matrix_type::staticcrsgraph_type;
using row_map_type = typename graph_type::row_map_type;
using entries_type = typename graph_type::entries_type;
using values_type = typename matrix_type::values_type;
const Scalar SC_ONE = Kokkos::ArithTraits<Scalar>::one();
Ordinal numRows = 10;
// Build the row pointers and store numNNZ
typename row_map_type::non_const_type row_map("row pointers", numRows + 1);
typename row_map_type::HostMirror row_map_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(row_map);
for(Ordinal rowIdx = 1; rowIdx < numRows + 1; ++rowIdx) {
if( (rowIdx == 1) || (rowIdx == numRows) ){
row_map_h(rowIdx) = row_map_h(rowIdx - 1) + 2;
} else {
row_map_h(rowIdx) = row_map_h(rowIdx - 1) + 3;
const Offset numNNZ = row_map_h(numRows);
Kokkos::deep_copy(row_map, row_map_h);
typename entries_type::non_const_type entries("column indices", numNNZ);
typename entries_type::HostMirror entries_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(entries);
typename values_type::non_const_type values("values", numNNZ);
typename values_type::HostMirror values_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(values);
for(Ordinal rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < numRows; ++rowIdx) {
if(rowIdx == 0) {
entries_h(0) = rowIdx;
entries_h(1) = rowIdx + 1;
values_h(0) = SC_ONE;
values_h(1) = -SC_ONE;
} else if(rowIdx == numRows - 1) {
entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx)) = rowIdx - 1;
entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = rowIdx;
values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx)) = -SC_ONE;
values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = SC_ONE;
} else {
entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx)) = rowIdx - 1;
entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = rowIdx;
entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 2) = rowIdx + 1;
values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx)) = -SC_ONE;
values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = SC_ONE + SC_ONE;
values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 2) = -SC_ONE;
Kokkos::deep_copy(entries, entries_h);
Kokkos::deep_copy(values, values_h);
graph_type myGraph(entries, row_map);
matrix_type myMatrix("test matrix", numRows, values, myGraph);
const Scalar alpha = SC_ONE;
const Scalar beta = SC_ONE;
typename values_type::non_const_type x("lhs", numRows);
typename values_type::non_const_type y("rhs", numRows);
KokkosSparse::spmv("N", alpha, myMatrix, x, beta, y);
return 0;