Defined in header: KokkosLapack_trtri.hpp
template <class AViewType>
int trtri(const char uplo[], const char diag[], const AViewType& A);
Find the inverse of the triangular matrix A and store it in-place
The function returns 0 upon success. Otherwise, it returns \(i\) if the i-th diagonal element of \(A\) is zero, and hence, \(A\) is singular, and its inverse could not be completed.
- uplo:
“U” or “u” indicates matrix \(A\) is an upper triangular matrix. “L” or “l” indicates matrix \(A\) is a lower triangular matrix.
- diag:
“U” or “u” indicates the diagonal of \(A\) is assumed to be unit. “N” or “n” indicates the diagonal of \(A\) is assumed to be non-unit.
- A:
Input matrix, as a 2-D Kokkos::View. On entry, \(A\), on successful exit, \(A^{-1}\).
Type Requirements¶
No requirements