Defined in header KokkosSparse_BsrMatrix.hpp
template <class MatrixType>
struct BsrRowView;
View of a row of a block sparse matrix. This class provides a generic view of a block row of a sparse matrix. We intended this class to view a row of a BsrMatrix, but MatrixType need not necessarily be BsrMatrix.
Template Parameters¶
- MatrixType:
type of the matrix that stores the row to be viewed.
Member Types¶
Memeber type |
Definition |
value_type |
The type the values stored in a block. |
ordinal_type |
The type of the column indices. |
block_values_type |
The type of a block in the row (a rank 2 Kokkos View). |
Data Members¶
Data Member |
Definition |
length |
Number of entries (i.e. blocks) in the row. |
Member Functions¶
Name |
Definition |
BsrRowView |
constructor of the block row view, may require the type of the matrix who’s row is being viewed. |
local_row_in_block |
Return a pointer to the first value of a given row in a block. |
local_block_value |
Return a pointer to a specific value in a block of the row. |
block |
Gets a rank 2 view representing the data of the requested block. |
findRelBlockOffset |
Finds the offset associated with a given block in the row. |
BsrRowView(value_type* const values, ordinal_type* const colidx,
const ordinal_type& blockDim, const ordinal_type& count);
template <class OffsetType>
BsrRowView(const typename MatrixType::values_type& values,
const typename MatrixType::index_type& colidx, const ordinal_type& blockDim,
const ordinal_type& count, const OffsetType& start,
const typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral_v<OffsetType>, int>::type& = 0);
Constructs a BsrRowBiew
instance from raw pointers or from views extracted from a block matrix.
Pointer based constructor, it assumes that the pointers passed are correctly offset for the desired row.
View based constructor, will compute offsets internally.
I am not quite sure why we have the std::enable_if<>
for the second constructor? Would it be possible to replace it with a static_assert()
on the same condition?
Type Requirements¶
OffsetType must be an integral type.
- values:
Array of the row’s values.
- colidx:
Array of the row’s column indices.
- blockDim:
Stride between rows within a block in the above arrays.
- count:
The number of blocks in the row.
- start:
Offset into values and colidx of the desired block-row start.
value_type* local_row_in_block(const ordinal_type& K, const ordinal_type& i) const;
Return a pointer offset to local row i of block K of values_
array; user responsible for indexing into this pointer correctly.
- K:
must be the LOCAL block index within this block-row.
- i:
must be the LOCAL row index offset within this block-row.
value_type& local_block_value(const ordinal_type& K, const ordinal_type& i,
const ordinal_type& j) const;
Return the value at a specified block K of block-row with local row and col offset (i,j).
- K:
must be the LOCAL block index within this block-row.
- i:
must be the LOCAL row index offset within this block-row.
- j:
must be the LOCAL col index offset within this block-row.
block_values_type block(const ordinal_type& K) const;
Return unmanaged 2D strided View wrapping local block K from this block-row.
- K:
must be the LOCAL block index within this block-row.
ordinal_type findRelBlockOffset(const ordinal_type idx_to_match, bool /*is_sorted*/ = false) const;
Return offset into colidx_
for the requested block idx. If none found, return Kokkos::ArithTraits<ordinal_type>::max()
- id_to_math:
The index to find in the row, if the index is not found
is returned.