
Defined in header: KokkosBlas3_trsm.hpp

// Version 1: Takes execution_space as argument
template <class execution_space, class AViewType, class BViewType>
void trsm(const execution_space& space, const char side[], const char uplo[],
          const char trans[], const char diag[],
          typename BViewType::const_value_type& alpha,
          const AViewType& A, const BViewType& B);

// Version 2: Infers execution_space from AViewType
template <class AViewType, class BViewType>
void trsm(const char side[], const char uplo[], const char trans[], const char diag[],
          typename BViewType::const_value_type& alpha, const AViewType& A,
          const BViewType& B);

Solve a triangular matrix system of the form

\[\begin{split}A*X=alpha*B\quad // left \\\\ X*A=alpha*B\quad // right\end{split}\]

where A is a triangular matrix and X and B are vectors or matrices. The solution X is stored back in B


  1. Version 1: check input control parameters, solve the triangular system of equations using the resources of space

  2. Version 2: check input control parameters, solve the triangular system of equations using the resources of the default instance of typename AViewType::execution_space



execution space instance.


control parameter specifying on which side the solver is applied, supported values are L, l for left side and R, r for right side.


control parameter specifying if the triangular matrix is upper or lower triangular, supported values are U, u for upper and L, l for lower.


control parameter specifying what operation on the entires of A should be performed. Supported values are N, n for nothing, T, t for transpose mode and C, c for conjugate transpose mode.


control parameter specifying if the diagonal entries of A are equal to one, in which case these entries will be ignored. Supported values are U, u for unit diagonal and N, n for non-unit diagonal.


a scaling factor applied while solving the A triangular system.


triangular system of size k equal to:

  • A.extent(0) when side is L or l,

  • A.extent(1) when side is R or r.

With uplo set as U or u only leading k by k upper triangular entries are considered, with uplo set as L or l only the leading k by k lower triangular entries are considered. Furthermore if diag is set to U or u then the diagonal entries are also ignored. Note that A does not have to actually be triangular, only the triangular part of interest (based on the value of uplo) will be used.


a dense matrix representing the right hand side of the system on entry and overwritten with the solution of the system on output.

Type Requirements


#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_Random.hpp>
#include <KokkosBlas3_trsm.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    int M = atoi(argv[1]);
    int N = atoi(argv[2]);
    int K = N;

    using ViewType = Kokkos::View<double**>;
    using Scalar   = typename ViewType::value_type;

    ViewType A("A",K,K);
    ViewType B("B",M,N);

    Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<typename ViewType::device_type::execution_space> rand_pool(13718);

    const Scalar alpha = 1.0;
