Defined in header KokkosSparse_spadd.hpp
template <typename ExecSpace, typename KernelHandle, typename alno_row_view_t_, typename alno_nnz_view_t_,
typename ascalar_t_, typename ascalar_nnz_view_t_, typename blno_row_view_t_, typename blno_nnz_view_t_,
typename bscalar_t_, typename bscalar_nnz_view_t_, typename clno_row_view_t_, typename clno_nnz_view_t_,
typename cscalar_nnz_view_t_>
void spadd_numeric(const ExecSpace &exec, KernelHandle *handle, typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t m,
typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t n, const alno_row_view_t_ a_rowmap,
const alno_nnz_view_t_ a_entries, const ascalar_nnz_view_t_ a_values, const ascalar_t_ alpha,
const blno_row_view_t_ b_rowmap, const blno_nnz_view_t_ b_entries,
const bscalar_nnz_view_t_ b_values, const bscalar_t_ beta, const clno_row_view_t_ c_rowmap,
clno_nnz_view_t_ c_entries, cscalar_nnz_view_t_ c_values);
template <typename KernelHandle, typename... Args>
void spadd_numeric(KernelHandle *handle, Args... args);
template <typename ExecSpace, typename KernelHandle, typename AScalar, typename AMatrix, typename BScalar,
typename BMatrix, typename CMatrix>
void spadd_numeric(const ExecSpace &exec, KernelHandle *handle, const AScalar alpha, const AMatrix &A,
const BScalar beta, const BMatrix &B, CMatrix &C);
template <typename KernelHandle, typename AScalar, typename AMatrix, typename BScalar, typename BMatrix,
typename CMatrix>
void spadd_numeric(KernelHandle *handle, const AScalar alpha, const AMatrix &A, const BScalar beta, const BMatrix &B,
CMatrix &C);
Performs the numeric phase of the addition of two sparse matrices.
Assuming the symbolic phase has been called, i.e. the row map of
is correct and the entries and values views are allocated, compute the entries and values ofC
and return unique and sorted column indices and associated values using the resources associated withexec
.Same as 1. but uses the resources of
.Same as 1. but uses matrix objects as inputs.
Same as 3. but uses the resources of
- exec:
execution space instance.
- handle:
spadd kernels handle obtained from an instance of
.- m, n:
number of rows and column of the matrices
.- alpha, beta:
scalar coefficients applied to scale the sum of
and theC
matrix.- a_rowmap, b_rowmap:
row maps of the input matrices
.- a_entries, b_entries:
column indices of the entries in each row of
.- a_values, b_values:
values of the entries stored in
.- c_rowmap:
row map of the output matrix
.- c_entries:
column indices of the
matrix.- c_values:
values of the entries in
.- A, B, C:
three crs matrices.
Type Requirements¶
Checks are performed in the KokkosKernelsHandle that was used to obtain the spadd handle.
#include "Kokkos_Core.hpp"
#include "KokkosKernels_default_types.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_spadd.hpp"
#include "KokkosKernels_Test_Structured_Matrix.hpp"
using Scalar = default_scalar;
using Ordinal = default_lno_t;
using Offset = default_size_type;
using Layout = default_layout;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using device_type = typename Kokkos::Device<
typename Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space>;
using execution_space = typename device_type::execution_space;
using memory_space = typename device_type::memory_space;
using matrix_type =
typename KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<Scalar, Ordinal, device_type, void,
int return_value = 0;
// The mat_structure view is used to generate a matrix using
// finite difference (FD) or finite element (FE) discretization
// on a cartesian grid.
// Each row corresponds to an axis (x, y and z)
// In each row the first entry is the number of grid point in
// that direction, the second and third entries are used to apply
// BCs in that direction.
Kokkos::View<Ordinal* [3], Kokkos::HostSpace> mat_structure(
"Matrix Structure", 2);
mat_structure(0, 0) = 10; // Request 10 grid point in 'x' direction
mat_structure(0, 1) = 1; // Add BC to the left
mat_structure(0, 2) = 1; // Add BC to the right
mat_structure(1, 0) = 10; // Request 10 grid point in 'y' direction
mat_structure(1, 1) = 1; // Add BC to the bottom
mat_structure(1, 2) = 1; // Add BC to the top
matrix_type A =
Test::generate_structured_matrix2D<matrix_type>("FD", mat_structure);
matrix_type B =
Test::generate_structured_matrix2D<matrix_type>("FE", mat_structure);
matrix_type C;
// Create KokkosKernelHandle
using KernelHandle = KokkosKernels::Experimental::KokkosKernelsHandle<
Offset, Ordinal, Scalar, execution_space, memory_space, memory_space>;
KernelHandle kh;
const Scalar alpha = 2.5;
const Scalar beta = 1.2;
KokkosSparse::spadd_symbolic(&kh, A, B, C);
KokkosSparse::spadd_numeric(&kh, alpha, A, beta, B, C);
std::cout << "spadd was performed correctly!" << std::endl;
return return_value;