
Defined in header: KokkosBlas3_trmm.hpp

// Version 1: Takes execution_space as argument
template <class execution_space, class AViewType, class BViewType>
void trmm(const execution_space& space, const char side[], const char uplo[],
          const char trans[], const char diag[],
          typename BViewType::const_value_type& alpha,
          const AViewType& A, const BViewType& B);

// Version 2: Infers execution_space from AViewType
template <class AViewType, class BViewType>
void trmm(const char side[], const char uplo[], const char trans[], const char diag[],
          typename BViewType::const_value_type& alpha, const AViewType& A,
          const BViewType& B)

Computes the product on the left or right of a triangular matrix A with a dense matrix B, storing the result back in B

\[\begin{split}B = alpha*op(A)*B\quad // Left \\\\ B = alpha*B*op(A)\quad // Right\end{split}\]


  1. Version 1: check input control parameters, compute the matrix product using the resources of space

  2. Version 2: check input control parameters, compute the matrix product using the resources of the default instance of typename AViewType::execution_space

The functions will throw a runtime exception if A.extent(0) != A.extent(1) || (uplo == 'L' ? B_m : B_n) != A_n or if the input control parameters are not supported, see Parameters section.


Currently we require A to be square but that is not what BLAS does, it only requires that A has compatible dimensions to be multipled with B, otherwise A can be rectangular. Only the entries required for the storage of the triangular part of interest will be used.



execution space instance.


the side of B which will be multiplied by A, valid values are L, l for multiplication on the left or R, r for multiplication on the right.


whether the triangular matrix stored is an upper or lower factor, valid values are U, u for upper triangular factor or L, l for lower triangular factor.


operation applied to A while multiplying, valid values are N, n for no operator applied, T, t for transpose operator applied, C, c for conjugate transpose operator applied.


indicate if the diagonal entries of the triangular matrix are all unit, valid values are U, u for unit diagonal (actual entries are ingnored) or N, n for non-unit diagonal.


scaling parameter for the matrix multiplication.


the triangular matrix that will be multiplied to the dense matrix. Note that A does not have to actually be triangular, only the triangular part of interest (based on the value of uplo) will be used.


the dense matrix storing the result of the multiplication.

Type Requirements

  • execution_space must be a Kokkos execution space

  • AViewType must be a Kokkos View of rank 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename AViewType::memory_space>::accessible

  • BViewType must be a Kokkos View of rank 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename BViewType::memory_space>::accessible

    • std::is_same_v<typename AViewType::value_type, typename AViewType::non_const_value_type>



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int M = atoi(argv[1]);
    int N = atoi(argv[2]);
    int K = N;

    using ViewType = Kokkos::View<double**>;
    using Scalar   = typename ViewType::value_type;

    ViewType A("A",K,K);
    ViewType B("B",M,N);

    Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<typename ViewType::device_type::execution_space> rand_pool(13718);

    const Scalar alpha = 1.0;
