Defined in header KokkosKernels_Handle.hpp
template <class size_type_, class lno_t_, class scalar_t_, class ExecutionSpace,
class TemporaryMemorySpace, class PersistentMemorySpace>
class KokkosKernelsHandle;
implements an opaque handle that stores algorithm specific sub-handles, verbosity parameter and performance optimization parameters.
Template Parameters¶
- size_type_:
type associated with the row map of a matrix and in general with offset and size in memory.
- lno_t_:
type associated with the column indices of a CrsMatrix, it is commonly used to label entries in a set.
- scalar_t_:
type associated with the values stored in a matrix and to perform floating point operations in general.
- ExecutionSpace:
type of the execution space where kernels are executed.
- TemporaryMemorySpace:
a memory space associated with buffers and temporary allocations in kernels.
- PersistentMemorySpace:
a memory space associated with permanent data generated during a kernel, for instance to allocate view that can be returned to the user.
General Member Types¶
Member type |
Definition |
HandleExecSpace |
Default execution space associated with the handle. |
HandleTempMemorySpace |
Memory space typically with faster access for temporary data and buffers (in practice often the same as |
HandlePersistentMemorySpace |
Default memory space for data structures allocation |
size_type |
potentially unsigned integer type, often the type used to store row offsets of a CrsMatrix row map. |
const_size_type |
nnz_lno_t |
signed integer type, often the type used to store column indices in a CrsMatrix or colors of vertices in graph coloring. |
const_nnz_lno_t |
nnz_scalar_t |
floating point type typically used to store values in a CrsMatrix. |
const_nnz_scalar_t |
Sub-handle Member Types¶
Member type |
Definition |
GraphColoringHandleType |
Type of the associated distance one graph coloring handle. |
GraphColorDistance2HandleType |
Type of the associated distance two graph coloring handle. |
GaussSeidelHandleType |
Type of the associated Gauss-Seidel handle. |
PointGaussSeidelHandleType |
Type of the associated point Gauss-Seidel handle, sub-class of GaussSeidelHandleType. |
ClusterGaussSeidelHandleType |
Type of the associated cluster Gauss-Seidel handle, sub-class of GaussSeidelHandleType. |
TwoStageGaussSeidelHandleType |
Type of the associated two stages Gauss-Seidel handle, sub-class of GaussSeidelHandleType. |
TwoStageGaussSeidelSPTRSVHandleType |
Type of the associated SpTRSV sub-handle of the two stages Gauss-Seidel handle. |
SPGEMMHandleType |
Type of the associated SpGEMM handle. |
SPADDHandleType |
Type of the associated SpADD handle. |
SPTRSVHandleType |
Type of the associated SpTRSV handle. |
SPILUKHandleType |
Type of the associated sparse ILU(K) handle. |
PAR_ILUTHandleType |
Type of the associated parallel ILUt handle. |
GMRESHandleType |
Type of the associated GMRES handle. |
View Member Types¶
Member type |
Definition |
in_scalar_nnz_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
row_lno_temp_work_view_t |
alias for |
size_type_temp_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
row_lno_persistent_work_view_t |
alias for |
size_type_persistent_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
row_lno_persistent_work_host_view_t |
size_type_persistent_work_host_view_t |
scalar_temp_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
scalar_persistent_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
scalar_persistent_work_view2d_t |
View of rank 2 holding |
nnz_lno_temp_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
nnz_lno_persistent_work_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
nnz_lno_persistent_work_host_view_t |
bool_persistent_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
bool_temp_view_t |
View of rank 1 holding |
and bool_temp_view_t
only appear in spgemm
Data Members¶
All data members of this class are private.
Member Functions¶
Generic functions¶
Name |
Definition |
constructor |
Both default and copy constructors are supported by |
destructor |
Destructs the handle and all the sub-handles. |
set_verbose |
Set the verbosity level (true or false). |
get_verbose |
Retrieve the verbosity level. |
set_team_work_size |
Set the team work size. |
get_set_team_work_size |
Retrieve the current team work size. |
get_team_work_size |
Get a team work size based on previously set value and input parameters. |
get_handle_exec_space |
Retrieve the execution space (a Kokkos Kernels execution space is an enum not a Kokkos execution space). |
set_dynamic_scheduling |
Set the dynamic scheduling mode. |
is_dynamic_scheduling |
Querry if the current scheduling is dynamic. |
set_shmem_size |
Set the shmem size for kernels use. |
get_shmem_size |
Get the current shmem size. |
set_suggested_vector_size |
Set the suggested vector size. |
get_set_suggested_vector_size |
Get the current suggested vector size. |
get_suggested_vector_size |
Get a suggested vector size based on the one currently set and on input parameters. |
set_suggested_team_size |
Set the suggested team size. |
get_set_suggested_team_size |
Get the current suggested team size. |
get_suggested_team_size |
Get a suggested team size based on the one currently set and on input parameters. |
returns an enum that is defined in our Impl namespace and that has a name that can be confusing for the user.
Sub-handle create/get/destroy¶
Name |
Definition |
Get a pointer to the SpADD handle. |
Construct a new SpADD handle after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned SpADD handle. |
Get a pointer to the SpGEMM handle. |
Construct a new SpGEMM handle after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned SpGEMM handle. |
Get a pointer to the graph coloring handle. |
Construct a new graph coloring handle from input parameters after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned graph coloring handle. |
Get a pointer to the distance two graph coloring handle. |
Construct a new distance two graph coloring handle from input parameters after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned distance two graph coloring handle. |
Get a pointer to the GMRES handle. |
Construct a new GMRES handle after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned GMRES handle. |
Get a pointer to the sparse ILUK handle. |
Construct a new sparse ILUK handle after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned sparse ILUK handle. |
Get a pointer to the parallel ILUt handle. |
Construct a new parallel ILUt handle after destroying the current one. |
Destroy the currently owned parallel ILUt handle. |
Get a pointer to the sptrsv handle |
Destroy the current sptrsv handle and create a new one with the provided input parameters. |
Destroy the sptrsv handle. |
Get a pointer to the Gauss-Seidel handle |
Destroy the current Gauss-Seidel handle and create a new one with the provided input parameters. |
Destroy the Gauss-Seidel handle. |
Gauss-Seidel functions¶
Name |
Definition |
get_point_gs_handle |
Attempts to get a point Gauss-Seidel handle. |
get_cluster_gs_handle |
Attempts to get a cluster Gauss-Seidel handle. |
get_twostage_gs_handle |
Attempts to get a two-stage Gauss-Seidel handle. |
set_gs_set_num_outer_sweeps |
Two stage Gauss-Seidel number of outer sweeps. |
set_gs_set_num_inner_sweeps |
Two stage Gauss-Seidel number of inner sweeps. |
set_gs_set_inner_damp_factor |
Two stage Gauss-Seidel inner damping factor. |
set_gs_twostage |
Set the two stage variant to be used with this handle. |
set_gs_twostage_compact_form |
Set handle to use a compact or classic recurence form. |
get_gs_sptrsvL_handle |
Get a pointer to the Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvL handle. |
get_gs_sptrsvU_handle |
Get a pointer to the Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvU handle. |
create_gs_sptrsvL_handle |
Destroy the current Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvL handle and create a new one with the provided input parameters. |
create_gs_sptrsvU_handle |
Destroy the current Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvU handle and create a new one with the provided input parameters. |
destroy_gs_sptrsvL_handle |
Destroy the Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvL handle. |
destroy_gs_sptrsvU_handle |
Destroy the Gauss-Seidel inner sptrsvU handle. |
Additional functions available only when supernodal sptrsv is enabled
set_sptrsv_verbose |
Set the verbosity level. |
set_sptrsv_perm |
Set the permutation vector (as pointer) stored in |
set_sptrsv_supernodes |
Set the number of supernodes, host view of supercols (map from supernodes to columns), and etree (as pointer) stored in |
set_sptrsv_diag_supernode_sizes |
Set the supernode sizes unblocked and blocked stored in |
set_sptrsv_unit_diagonal |
Set the unit diagonal flag stored in |
set_sptrsv_merge_supernodes |
Set the merge supernodes flag stored in |
set_sptrsv_invert_diagonal |
Set invert diagonal flag stored in |
get_sptrsv_invert_diagonal |
Get invert diagonal flag stored in |
set_sptrsv_invert_offdiagonal |
Set invert offdiagonal flag stored in |
get_sptrsv_invert_offdiagonal |
Get invert offdiagonal flag stored in |
set_sptrsv_etree |
Set the etree (as pointer) stored in |
set_sptrsv_column_major |
Set the flag if data is column major stored in |
is_sptrsv_lower_tri |
Get boolean for is_lower_tri stored in |
is_sptrsv_column_major |
Get boolean for is_column_major stored in |
set_sptrsv_trmm_on_device |
Set the flag for trmm_on_device stored in |