Defined in header KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp
template <class MatrixType>
struct SparseRowView;
View of a row of a sparse matrix. This class provides a generic view of a row of a sparse matrix. We intended this class to view a row of a CrsMatrix, but MatrixType need not necessarily be CrsMatrix.
Template Parameters¶
- MatrixType:
type of the matrix that stores the row to be viewed, typically
Member Types¶
Member type |
Definition |
value_type |
The type of the values in the row. |
ordinal_type |
The type of the column indices in the row. |
Data Members¶
Data Member |
Definition |
const ordinal_type length; |
Number of entries in the row. |
Member Functions¶
Name |
Definition |
constructs a |
(Const) reference to the value of entry i in this row of the sparse matrix. |
(Const) reference to the column index of entry i in this row of the sparse matrix. |
SparseRowViewConst(value_type* const values, ordinal_type* const colidx__,
const ordinal_type& stride, const ordinal_type& count);
template <class OffsetType>
SparseRowViewConst(const typename MatrixType::values_type& values,
const typename MatrixType::index_type& colidx__,
const ordinal_type& stride, const ordinal_type& count,
const OffsetType& idx,
const typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral_v<OffsetType>, int>::type& = 0);
Constructs a SparseRowView
instance from raw pointers or Kokkos View extracted from a sparse matrix.
Pointer based constructor.
View based constructor, constructor with offset into
Type Requirements¶
OffsetType must be an integral type (
std::is_integral_v<OffsetType> == true
- values:
Array of the row’s values.
- colidx__:
Array of the row’s column indices.
- stride:
(Constant) stride between matrix entries in each of the above arrays.
- count:
Number of entries in the row.
- idx:
Start offset into
value_type& value(const ordinal_type& i) const;
(Const) reference to the value of entry i in this row of the sparse matrix.
- i:
Index of the entry to be accessed. Note that this index does not necessarily correspond to the column index or the local row index of the underlying sparse matrix.
ordinal_type& colidx(const ordinal_type& i) const;
(Const) reference to the column index of entry i in this row of the sparse matrix.
- i:
Index of the entry to be accessed. Note that this index does not necessarily correspond to the column index or the local row index of the underlying sparse matrix.