
Defined in header: KokkosBlas1_scal.hpp

template <class execution_space, class RMV, class AV, class XMV>
void scal(const execution_space& space, const RMV& R, const AV& a, const XMV& X);

template <class RMV, class AV, class XMV>
void scal(const RMV& R, const AV& a, const XMV& X);

Scales the vector(s) in X by a and stores the result(s) in R.

  1. store X scaled by a in R and fences the space instance

  2. store X scaled by a in R and fences the default instance of typename RMV::execution_space

The function will throw a runtime exception if X.extent(0) != R.extent(0) || X.extent(1) != R.extent(1)



execution space instance


scaled version of the vector(s) of X


scaling factor(s) for the vector(s) of X


vector(s) to scale

Type Requirements

  • execution_space must be a Kokkos execution space

  • XMV must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 or 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename XMV::memory_space>::accessible == true

    • RMV::rank == XMV::rank

  • RMV must be a Kokkos View of rank 1 or 2 that satisfies

    • Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, typename RMV::memory_space>::accessible == true

    • RMV::rank == XMV::rank