Defined in header KokkosSparse_spgemm.hpp
The minimal header KokkosSparse_spgemm_symbolic.hpp
is also sufficient for version 1 below.
template <typename KernelHandle, typename alno_row_view_t_, typename alno_nnz_view_t_,
typename blno_row_view_t_, typename blno_nnz_view_t_, typename clno_row_view_t_>
void spgemm_symbolic(KernelHandle *handle, typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t m,
typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t n,
typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t k,
alno_row_view_t_ row_mapA, alno_nnz_view_t_ entriesA, bool transposeA,
blno_row_view_t_ row_mapB, blno_nnz_view_t_ entriesB, bool transposeB,
clno_row_view_t_ row_mapC, bool computeRowptrs = false);
template <class KernelHandle, class AMatrix, class BMatrix, class CMatrix>
void spgemm_symbolic(KernelHandle& kh, const AMatrix& A, const bool Amode,
const BMatrix& B, const bool Bmode, CMatrix& C);
Performs the symbolic phase of the multiplication of two sparse matrices.
Computes the number of non-zeros in
and optionally the row map ofC
ifcomputeRowptrs == true
Setting computeRowptrs == true
may increase running time. Even if computeRowptrs == false
, row_mapC
will always be populated after subsequently calling spgemm_numeric.
Compact interface using CrsMatrix objects. Computes the number of non-zeros in
, and internally allocates the row map, entries and values ofC
without initializing them. Finally, constructs matrixC
with these newly allocated views.
After spgemm_symbolic
returns, the number of non-zeros in C is available through the spgemm subhandle (for example, handle->get_spgemm_handle()->get_c_nnz()
While transpose flags are part of the interface, the algorithm is only implemented for non-transposed A and B.
Some underlying implementations require that both A and B are sorted and merged, meaning that the column indices within each row are sorted and unique.
Expert users may want to use SpGEMM but avoid the cost of explicitly sorting and merging the input matrices. The implementations where this requirement doesn’t apply are Kokkos Kernels, rocSPARSE (as long as there is no row with more than 8192 intermediate products), and MKL.
- handle:
spadd kernels handle obtained from an instance of
.- m, n, k:
dimensions of the matrices. m is the number of rows in
. n is the number of columns inA
and the number of rows inB
. k is the number of columns inB
.- row_mapA, row_mapB:
row maps of the input matrices
.- entriesA, entriesB:
column indices of the entries in each row of
. In most cases, these should be in sorted and merged order (see note above).- transposeA, transposeB:
transposition operator to be applied to
respectively. Must both be false; the algorithm is not yet implemented for other cases.- row_mapC:
row map of the output matrix
. For version 1, it must already be allocated to size \(m + 1\). Initialization is not required.- computeRowptrs:
force the computation of
. By default, only the number of non-zeros inC
is guaranteed to be computed.- Amode, Bmode:
transposition operation to apply to
respectively. Must both be false; the algorithm is not yet implemented for other cases.- A, B, C:
three instances of KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix.
are input parameters.C
is an output parameter only. In most cases,A
should be sorted and merged (see note above).
Type Requirements¶
alno_row_view_t_ and alno_nnz_view_t_ must be compatible with the types expected by KernelHandle
std::is_same_v<typename KernelHandle::const_size_type, typename alno_row_view_t_::const_value_type> == true
std::is_same_v<typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t, typename alno_nnz_view_t_::const_value_type> == true
blno_row_view_t_ and blno_nnz_view_t_ must be compatible with the types expected by KernelHandle
std::is_same_v<typename KernelHandle::const_size_type, typename blno_row_view_t_::const_value_type> == true
std::is_same_v<typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t, typename blno_nnz_view_t_::const_value_type> == true
clno_row_view_t_ must be non-const and compatible with the type expected by KernelHandle
std::is_same_v<typename KernelHandle::const_size_type, typename clno_row_view_t_::const_value_type> == true
std::is_same_v<typename clno_row_view_t_::value_type, typename clno_row_view_t_::non_const_value_type> == true
#include "Kokkos_Core.hpp"
#include "KokkosKernels_default_types.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_spgemm.hpp"
#include "KokkosKernels_Test_Structured_Matrix.hpp"
using Scalar = default_scalar;
using Ordinal = default_lno_t;
using Offset = default_size_type;
using Layout = default_layout;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using device_type = typename Kokkos::Device<
typename Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space>;
using execution_space = typename device_type::execution_space;
using memory_space = typename device_type::memory_space;
using matrix_type =
typename KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<Scalar, Ordinal, device_type, void,
int return_value = 0;
// The mat_structure view is used to generate a matrix using
// finite difference (FD) or finite element (FE) discretization
// on a cartesian grid.
// Each row corresponds to an axis (x, y and z)
// In each row the first entry is the number of grid point in
// that direction, the second and third entries are used to apply
// BCs in that direction.
Kokkos::View<Ordinal* [3], Kokkos::HostSpace> mat_structure(
"Matrix Structure", 2);
mat_structure(0, 0) = 10; // Request 10 grid point in 'x' direction
mat_structure(0, 1) = 1; // Add BC to the left
mat_structure(0, 2) = 1; // Add BC to the right
mat_structure(1, 0) = 10; // Request 10 grid point in 'y' direction
mat_structure(1, 1) = 1; // Add BC to the bottom
mat_structure(1, 2) = 1; // Add BC to the top
matrix_type A =
Test::generate_structured_matrix2D<matrix_type>("FD", mat_structure);
matrix_type B =
Test::generate_structured_matrix2D<matrix_type>("FE", mat_structure);
matrix_type C;
// Create KokkosKernelHandle
using KernelHandle = KokkosKernels::Experimental::KokkosKernelsHandle<
Offset, Ordinal, Scalar, execution_space, memory_space, memory_space>;
KernelHandle kh;
// Select an spgemm algorithm, limited by configuration at compile-time and
// set via the handle Some options: {SPGEMM_KK_MEMORY, SPGEMM_KK_SPEED,
std::string myalg("SPGEMM_KK_MEMORY");
KokkosSparse::SPGEMMAlgorithm spgemm_algorithm =
KokkosSparse::spgemm_symbolic(kh, A, false, B, false, C);
KokkosSparse::spgemm_numeric(kh, A, false, B, false, C);
std::cout << "spgemm was performed correctly!" << std::endl;
return return_value;