PyKokkos Documentation

PyKokkos is a framework for writing high-performance Python code similar to Numba. In contrast to Numba, PyKokkos kernels are primarily parallel and are also performance portable, meaning that they can run efficiently on different hardware (CPUs, NVIDIA GPUs, and AMD GPUs) with no changes required.

PyKokkos is open source and available on GitHub.

Below is a quick example that uses PyKokkos.

import pykokkos as pk

def hello(i: int):
    pk.printf("Hello, World! from i = %d\n", i)

def main():
    pk.parallel_for(10, hello)



In the background, PyKokkos translates kernels designated by the user into C++ Kokkos and automatically generates language bindings to run the generated code.


Knowing Kokkos is not necessary for using PyKokkos.

On some pages of this documentation, as appropriate, we will have a section Kokkos to discuss similarities between Kokkos and PyKokkos. We believe that the Kokkos section will be primarily of interest to those already familiar with the Kokkos framework.