Implementing a CommunicationSpace
PR #109 introduced the concept of multiple communication spaces. A CommunicationSpace
defines what KokkosComm actually does when you call, e.g., KokkosComm::send
Your implementation is a struct or class that represents your communication space. Then, you need partial specializations for some associated types (handles, requests, etc.), for each core API functions.
Struct representing your CommunicationSpace
The first piece is a struct that represents your CommunicationSpace
. We are still a bit fuzzy on the interface for this, and ultimately, it might be very small. Its main purpose is to serve as a tag for the partial specializations of each API struct.
For example, for the MPI communication space, we define the following:
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm {
struct Mpi {
static auto world_size() noexcept -> int { /* ... */ }
static auto world_rank() noexcept -> int { /* ... */ }
template <>
struct Impl::is_communication_space<KokkosComm::Mpi> : public std::true_type {};
} // end KokkosComm
Notice that Mpi
has two static methods, but that these methods are not required. The main point is that struct Mpi
To let core API functions know that your communication space is something KokkosComm can use to dispatch messages, you also need to declare the Impl::is_communication_space
specialization using the CommunicationSpace
Partial specialization of Handle
Section in construction…
For example, for the MPI communication space handle, we define the following:
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
#include "KokkosComm/mpi/comm_space.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm {
template <KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace>
class Handle<ExecSpace, Mpi> { /* ... */ };
} // end KokkosComm
Partial specialization of Req
Section in construction…
For example, for the MPI communication space request, we define the following:
#include "KokkosComm/mpi/comm_space.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm {
template <>
class Req<Mpi> { /* ... */ };
} // end KokkosComm
Partial specialization for each API struct¶
The core API functions are actually implemented by partial specializations of structs. Conceptually, there is an internal interface that needs to be satisfied for each API:
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm::Impl {
template <KokkosView RecvView, KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace, CommunicationSpace CommSpace>
struct Recv<RecvView, ExecSpace, CommSpace> { /* ... */ };
} // end KokkosComm::Impl
In the above, CommSpace
is a type that represents the communication space implementation.
For example, for the MPI communication space, we create a partial specialization of that struct template (notice fewer template parameters and the use of the Mpi
“tag” struct):
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm::Impl {
template <KokkosView RecvView, KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace>
struct Recv<RecvView, ExecSpace, Mpi> { /* ... */ };
} // end KokkosComm::Impl
Minimal requirements of a new communication backend¶
For now, you need to implement the following three structs to get a new backend.
As KokkosComm develops, you may need to provide more core API structs for your communication space to qualify as a new backend.
An asynchronous/non-blocking message send:
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
#include "my_comm_space.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm::Impl {
template <KokkosView SendView, KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace>
struct Send<SendView, ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> {
static auto execute(Handle<ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> &h, const SendView &sv, int dest) -> Req<MyCommSpace> {
// actual implementation of `send` with your communication backend
} // end KokkosComm::Impl
An asynchronous/non-blocking message receive.
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
#include "my_comm_space.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm::Impl {
template <KokkosView RecvView, KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace>
struct Recv<RecvView, ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> {
static auto execute(Handle<ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> &h, const RecvView &sv, int src) -> Req<MyCommSpace> {
// actual implementation of `recv` with your communication backend
} // end KokkosComm::Impl
A global barrier.
#include "KokkosComm/concepts.hpp"
#include "my_comm_space.hpp"
namespace KokkosComm::Impl {
template <KokkosExecutionSpace ExecSpace>
struct Recv<ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> {
static auto execute(Handle<ExecSpace, MyCommSpace> &&h) -> Req<MyCommSpace> {
// actual implementation of `barrier` with your communication backend
} // end KokkosComm::Impl