
Posted on January 19, 2024 • 1 min read • 137 words
Team   Sandia  
Team   Sandia  

The Kokkos Team is a multi-institutional group of HPC, C++ and Linear Algebra experts dedicated to making life easier for computation scientists and engineers.

Kokkos Core

  • Christian Trott, SNL, Project Lead
  • Damien Lebrun-Grandie, ORNL, Project Lead
  • Daniel Arndt, ORNL
  • Yuuichi Asahi, CEA
  • Julien Bigot, CEA
  • Cedric Chevalier, CEA
  • Jan Ciesko, SNL
  • Conrad Clevenger, SNL
  • Nathan Ellingwood, SNL
  • Rahulkumar Gayatri, NERSC
  • DongHun Lee, SNL
  • Seyong Lee, ORNL
  • Nevin Liber, ANL
  • Nic Morales, SNL
  • Thomas Padioleau, CEA
  • Carl Pearson, SNL
  • Amy Powell, SNL
  • Francesco Rizzi, NGA
  • Mikael Simberg, CSCS
  • Bruno Turcksin, ORNL
  • Paul Zhener, CEA


  • Carter Edwards
  • Daniel Sutherland
  • Daniel Ibanez
  • Daisy Hollman
  • David Poliakoff

Kokkos Kernels

  • Siva Rajamanickam, SNL, Project Lead
  • Luc Berger-Vergiat, SNL, Project Lead
  • Vinh Dang, SNL
  • Nathan Ellingwood, SNL
  • James Foucar, SNL
  • Brian Kelley, SNL
  • Kim Liegeois, SNL
  • Carl Pearson, SNL
  • Ernesto Prudencio, SNL