Kokkos User Group Meeting 2025 Program Announced

Posted on March 11, 2025 • 5 min read • 961 words

Kokkos User Group Meeting 2025 Program Announced

Kokkos User Group (KUG) 2025: Main Program Schedule Now Live!

Excitement is building for the Kokkos User Group (KUG) 2025, and we’re thrilled to announce that the Main Program schedule is now available! Prepare for two action-packed days of in-depth sessions, insightful discussions, and unparalleled networking with the Kokkos community.

What to Expect:

  • Eight 90-minute sessions featuring a dynamic blend of Kokkos developers and community users.

  • Hear from familiar faces from KUG 2023, along with a host of exciting new speakers bringing fresh perspectives.

  • Day 1 Highlights:

    • Kick off with essential updates from the Kokkos team.
    • Explore real-world applications in the “Kokkos in Applications” session.
    • Gain practical insights on “Adopting Kokkos”.
    • Experience the energy of our fast-paced Lightning Talks session.
  • Day 2 Highlights:

    • Dive into the broader Kokkos ecosystem with talks from affiliated projects and speakers.
    • Master performance optimization in the “Tuning and Performance” session.
    • Delve into advanced techniques in the “Algorithms” session.
    • Conclude the event with a dynamic Panel Discussion focused on the future of Kokkos beyond version 5.0. We are working on finalizing the panellist which will include Kokkos team developers, affiliated project representants, and downstream library and application users from the community.
  • Stay Tuned: While the majority of the program is published, we’re finalizing a few details. Please check back for any minor adjustments.

A Heartfelt Thank You:

We extend our sincere gratitude to the Program Committee, our dedicated speakers, and all the users who submitted proposals. The overwhelming response made selection challenging, and we appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and support.

Join Us!

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the Kokkos community, learn from experts, and contribute to the future of high-performance computing. KUG 2025 is just around the corner!

Register Now and secure your spot today.

2025 Program

TimeWednesday, May 7, 2025Thursday, May 8, 2025
(Nicolas Morales & Cedric Chevalier)
Kokkos Session
(Thomas Padiolau & Jakob Bludau)
10:45am-12:15pmKokkos in Applications
(Daniel Arndt & Rahul Gayatri)
Tuning and Performance
( Patrick Diehl & Bruno Turcksin)
1:35pm-3:05pmAdopting Kokkos
(Julien Bigot & Conrad Clevenger)
(Carl Pearson & Nevin Liber)
3:20pm-4:50pmLightning Talks
(Christian Trott & Ansar Calloo)
Panel Discussion
(Damien Lebrun-Grandie)

Sessions Content


9:00am-9:10amWelcome and overviewDamien Lebrun-Grandie
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
9:10am-9:30amUpdate on the Ecosystem and CommunityChristan Trott
(Sandia National Laboratory)
9:30am-10:00amKokkos Core updateDamien Lebrun-Grandie
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
10:00am-10:20amKokkos-Kernels updateLuc Berger-Vergiat
(Sandia National Laboratory)

Kokkos in Applications

10:45am-10:55amFleCSI ApplicationsBen Bergen
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
10:55am-11:05amDDC, a performance portable library abstracting Computation on Discrete DomainsThomas Padioleau
(French Atomic Energy Commission CEA)
11:05am-11:25amTChem-atm - A performance portable chemistry solver for atmospheric chemistryOscar Diaz-Ibarra
(Sandia National Laboratory)
11:25am-11:45amGPU porting of the TRUST CFD platform with KokkosRémi Bourgeois
(French Atomic Energy Commission CEA)
11:45am-12:05amOmega: Towards a performance-portable ocean model using KokkosMaciej Waruszewski
(Sandia National Laboratory)

Adopting Kokkos

1:35pm-1:55pmA Brief Overview of LANL’s use of KokkosDaniel Holladay
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
1:55pm-2:15pmEnhancing Fortran Code for Operational Weather Forecasting with Kokkos: Results and Lessons LearnedTimothy Sliwinski
(Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere)
2:15pm-2:35pmUsing Umpire’s Memory Management Capabilities with KokkosKristi Belcher
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
2:35pm-2:55pmEarly Experiences Using Kokkos for Multi-Resolution AnalysisJoseph Schuchart
(Stony Brook University)

Lightning Talks

3:20pm-3:30pmExperience Porting A Scientific Code from YAKL to KokkosJames Foucar
(Sandia National Laboratory)
3:30pm-3:40pmBenchmarking Lattice QCD Staggered Fermion Kernel written in KokkosSimon Schlepphorst
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
3:40pm-3:50pmLeveraging Liaisons in Your Network for Software SustainabilityElaine M. Raybourn
(Sandia National Laboratory)
3:50pm-4:00pmVertex-CFD: A multi-physics solver for fusion applicationsMarc Olivier Delchini
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
4:00pm-4:10pmToucan: Revolutionizing Microstructure PredictionBenjamin Stump
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
4:10pm-4:20pmPerformance-Portable Spectral Ewald Summation with PyKokkosGabriel K Kosmacher
(University of Texas at Austin)
4:20pm-4:30pmEmpowering NSM Supercomputers with Kokkos for Scalable HPCHarsha Ugave
(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC))
4:30pm-4:40pmReal-Time Performance Characterization of the ADIOS2 library when Kokkos is enabledAna Gainaru
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
4:40pm-4:50pmCabana: particles, structured grids, and extensions to unstructured with KokkosSam Reeve
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Kokkos Session

9:00am-9:10amkokkos-fft updatesYuuichi Asahi
(French Atomic Energy Commission CEA)
9:10am-9:20amFortran Porting Wish List for KokkosMatthew Norman
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
9:20am-9:30amCustom Layout and Tiling for Multi-Dimensional DataCedric Chevalier
(French Atomic Energy Commission CEA)
9:30am-9:40amRuntime Auto-tuning for Kokkos Applications with APEXKevin Huck
(University of Oregon)
9:40am-10:00amUnifying the HPC ecosystem with std::executionMikael Simberg
(Swiss National Supercomputing Centre)
10:00am-10:20amPyKokkos: Performance Portability for Python DevelopersMilos Gligoric
(University of Texas at Austin)

Tuning and Performance

10:45am-11:05amLeveraging the C Configuration Space and Tuning Library (CCS) in Kokkos ToolsBrice Videau
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11:05am-11:25amBottlenecks in high dimensional simulationsNils Schild
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
11:25am-11:45amAccelerating SPECFEM++ with Explicit SIMD and Cache-Optimized LayoutsRohit Kakodkar
(Princeton University)
11:45am-12:05pmManaging Kokkos callbacks for benchmarking, profiling, and unit testingMaarten Arnst
(University of Liege)


1:35pm-1:45pmGyselalib++: A Portable, Kokkos-Based Library for Exascale Gyrokinetic SimulationsEtienne Malaboeuf
1:45pm-1:55pmExpression Templates with Kokkos for Lattice QCDTravis Whyte
(Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
1:55pm-2:15pmBridging Parallel Communication and On-Node Computation with KokkosEvan Suggs
(Tennessee Technological University)
2:25pm-2:45pmIntegration of PETSc, Kokkos Core and Kernels for performance portability in the age of acceleratorsJunchao Zhang
(Argonne National Laboratory)
2:45pm-3:05pmParallel sweep algorithms for Cartesian and honeycomb gridsAnsar Calloo
(French Atomic Energy Commission CEA)

Panel Discussion


Program Committee:

  • Jakob Bludau, ORNL, Technical Programm Committee Chair
  • Luc Berger-Vergiat, SNL
  • Julien Bigot, CEA
  • Hari Kannan, CEA
  • Damien Lebrun-Grandie, ORNL
  • Nic Morales, SNL